Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Here at Indiana University, liking Liberal, "unique," politically and socially minded things just comes with the territory, be it celebrities, organizations, shutting down the campus' power, even movies. For people like me, who are here for an education, and not here to change the world per se, this can be a good thing. For example, the student union hosted a 10th anniversary screening of the movie Fight Club. I had never seen it before, and only ever heard good things about it, so I decided to go, resigning myself to sit in on the brief lecture to follow. The movie was, well, we will get there in a moment. But first, let me ask you this: Did you know that Fight Club is actually a Hollywood criticism of Commercialism and Consumerism? I know, neither did I! How, might you ask? I don't know, something about Brad Pitt being against the status quo, selling soap made of fat back to people who had liposuction, praying on their insecurities and their need to buy things to fill some sort of gap. Sounds kind of sketchy to me, but that's what the professor said, and why shouldn't you trust a Liberal Educator? To be honest, I couldn't focus much on the lecture. Why? Glad you asked.

Fight Club itself is a confusing movie. This big reveal: (SPOILER ALERT!!) Brad Pitt was just a figure of Ed Norton's imagination, an alternate personality, much like Bruce Willis was dead the whole time in Sixth Sense. (Sorry I didn't warn you that time.) To make matters worse, that is, to make the movie more confusing, I brought a Mt. Dew Amp energy drink with me, under the vague notion that the high caffeine levels of such drinks don't really affect me. Regardless, the drink left me with such a sugar rush that every minor twist in the movie made me feel as if someone was trying to turn my life upside down, and the big reveal left me speechless, furious, confused, and, well, not so speechless. I may have said, "WHAT?!" too many times and too loud at that point, causing the friend I went with to give me some very dirty looks, as well as others sitting near us. But, the movie was really good, and for anyone who wants their head to hurt, watch this movie. If you want your head to explode, repeat my exercise. Trust me, it will.

Now, the only thing left to do is wait for Mr. Pitt to come beat the living daylights out of me for breaking the first rule of Fight Club: Don't talk about Fight Club. Oh wait, I forgot. Mr. Pitt did not exist in the movie, only Mr. Norton. Yeah, I think I can take him.

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